Greetings all. So now that the annual Drama Festival is over things are slowly getting back to normal. It is never quiet for long though as we have loads of events in the pipeline - The Duck Race, Focus for Growth Conference by the Chamber of Commerce, Wildlife Aid Open Day, Ashtead Village day, to name but a few.
I am currently working on a creative poster for the Duck Race - last year we had a giant rubber duck squeezing through the arch of the town bridge and prior to that it was the 'Leatherhead Duck' on the roundabout by the Plough - kinda taking the mickey a bit out of the Dorking Cockerel (in a nice friendly way of course). This year I hope to have an equally amusing image so keep your eyes peeled and come down on the 28th June to join in the fun. Sadly I will not be there for long this year as I am heading off to a concert in London later in the day.
The weather is lousy today - wet and miserable, not what we need right now, where has the sun gone? I am supposed to be doing some stock photography this week but so far it has been no good. A big congratulation to my pal, Andy Hill and his wife Laura who have just announced that they are expecting a baby, (here's hoping it will take after its Mum on the looks front....only kidding Andy, I suspect the hair style will be similar you yours though!)
Congrats too to Andras for catching an 18lb catfish the other day - wish I was there to see that one. I hear Mike Creasy managed nil poisson - remember Mike, worms and a twig!! works everytime...he will know what I mean. anyway, I'm off, have bigger fish to fry, catch you later!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Saturday, 23 May 2009

Today I was at Denbies Vineyard running a small photographic course which was great fun. It is very rewarding to help people understand how to use their cameras and Denbies is the perfect venue being very photogenic and full of learning opportunities. I look forward to running more courses like this in the future. I will soon be offering Photoshop courses too in the near future so watch this space.
Now it is bank holiday weekend, and so for some chillout time. Big hello to my wee pal, Sian and I hope you all have a nice holiday!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Soap box time!
Well, that was a fantastic final night - Michael & Shakira were great as always and the performances were well received. It was all hussle and bustle in the green room at half time as everyone wanted to say hello to Sir Michael who generously posed for photos and signed autographs and the audience watched him present the awards to our winners. Well done to everyone who took part - the standard was superb as it always is and I do not envy the job of the adjudicators one iota. After 28 performances - 30 including the awards night i am now drama'd out for now - it is nice to have an evening to catch up on stuff such as this.
Other news and this week I have some help in the form of Kelly who is working with me for her work experience - hopefully she will learn something and it will give her an idea of whether to persue a career in photography or not.
Entertainer Bobby Davro was in my studio yesterday for a brief visit, they should give you back your saturday night slot Bobby, get us all laughing again, ...we need it with the current state of the country, a bit of humour would not go amiss.
Finally, you may read in the local papers this week that we could lose our town centre managers here in Mole Valley. Here in Leatherhead we have grown and developed since the dark days when we were voted worst high street and this is largely due to the commitment of our town centre manager - Lucy Hanson who works with traders to put on events, encourage new business to the town and attract tourists. Who will do all of this if she goes? plus dealing with all of the other issues that crop up. This could be a very short sighted decision by the local council - the worst time to leave a town to its own devices would be in the middle of a recession.
I encourage everyone to get behind Lucy (and Sandra in Dorking) and support what they do - we do not want to go back to the dark ages and certainly do not need the negative press we will attract with these desisions.
I will get off my soap box now....till next time!
Other news and this week I have some help in the form of Kelly who is working with me for her work experience - hopefully she will learn something and it will give her an idea of whether to persue a career in photography or not.
Entertainer Bobby Davro was in my studio yesterday for a brief visit, they should give you back your saturday night slot Bobby, get us all laughing again, ...we need it with the current state of the country, a bit of humour would not go amiss.
Finally, you may read in the local papers this week that we could lose our town centre managers here in Mole Valley. Here in Leatherhead we have grown and developed since the dark days when we were voted worst high street and this is largely due to the commitment of our town centre manager - Lucy Hanson who works with traders to put on events, encourage new business to the town and attract tourists. Who will do all of this if she goes? plus dealing with all of the other issues that crop up. This could be a very short sighted decision by the local council - the worst time to leave a town to its own devices would be in the middle of a recession.
I encourage everyone to get behind Lucy (and Sandra in Dorking) and support what they do - we do not want to go back to the dark ages and certainly do not need the negative press we will attract with these desisions.
I will get off my soap box now....till next time!
Friday, 15 May 2009
done and dusted
Yey, cracked it - all 28 shows covered and present in the gallery - 3 great performances tonight, just the big one to go tomorrow night now!
now for a beer..........
now for a beer..........

That is the beauty of Theatre photography - the light is constantly changing and there are often big challenges. One of the other performances, by the Bookham Players was set in Leatherhead and there were mentions of the Swan Centre, Dorking, Ashtead and that place on the high street where you can get your photos done, they can even do a bit of airbrushing too.... yeah! fame at last! It has been a fantastic two weeks and even though I am pretty knackered I have enjoyed every moment. It has been made all the more enjoyable by the presence of my two new friends who usually sit behind me although they moved down towards the stage last night - I was quite lost without them......I still think they have a crafty vodka or two hidden away under their seats!
We had my friend Max Clifford along on Wednesday too. He was here to watch a friend perform in one of the plays and apparantly enjoyed a meal at Lal Aakash beforehand! Tomorrow of course is the big night and I will be there dinner jacket, fully charged camera and loaded with pro plus!!
Not much else to report just now, it is all quite in the studio - sign of the times I think, worrying really as that is my bread and butter and I am already down to crumbs and margarine. the days of the high street studio are sadly numbered I think!
The papers are all full of Katie and Peter just now. how clever - will the next step be the next tv series - Katie & Peter - The Reunion, followed by renewal of the marriage vows (again....funded of course by a national magazine), and then the inevitable baby........or am I just being cynical. If they did get back together the best thing they could do is keep a low profile and have some family time, but then is it a marriage of convenience or is it real and they are happy living their life in the public eye?
Oh well, I had better go and take up my position at the back of the theatre for the final three shows, full report on tomorrow when I have recovered!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
High Drama
Phew, half way through the second week of the Leatherhead Drama Festival - I have black rings round my eyes and am very tired but what a great week of am dram once again! Last week saw some great performances from the juniors and there have been some crackers so far this week. Good to see an increase in bums on seats too. I have been up at the back most of the time but have had the pleasure of the company of two of the festivals regulars who I enjoy chatting to in between performances. The two lovely ladies have been coming to the festival for many years and I think they have taken root up there at the back, I even suspect they have a secret stash of vodka under the seats! Seriously though it is people like these that make the festival what it is today - without the audience there is no festival and I take my hat off (if I wore one) to them both! Well just a few more days left before the big night and it looks like another sell out! Not much other news this week, Katie and Peter have split up, they obviously did not like the pics I took of them a couple of weeks ago. I was given a fantastic testimonial by my friend Max Clifford today for my website - it is in the testimonial area of this site if you want a wee gander. Thanks Max. anyway - I have just finished editing the last of the three performances tonight and am bushed - it is 11.40pm - maybe I will make last orders at the top of the street before hitting the sack - I could certainly use a beer.
Quick Hi to Blue up in bonnie scotland - I have not been in touch lately - work pressure, sorry Doll, hope you are ok.
till next time!! au revoir!
Quick Hi to Blue up in bonnie scotland - I have not been in touch lately - work pressure, sorry Doll, hope you are ok.
till next time!! au revoir!
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Drama and Dancing

Went to an excellent party on saturday night in aid of Chase. It was the celebration for one of the teams in this years Scumball Rally which featured Jo Westwood and friends, over £70,000 was raised to it was time to celebrate and a good night was had by all. I was there as a photographer but did let my hair down a bit after a trying week and joined in the fun. As you can see from the pics, we had a few names pop along, aside from Max Clifford and his fiance Jo, we had the very funny Bobby Davro (pictured doing a george and zippy impression wiith some dodgy geezer), Michael Underwood from Dancing on Ice with TV presenter girlfriend, Angellica Bell and Eastenders' Gemma Bissex. Not to mention of course the amazing Sian Tolfree who became my assistant photographer for the night. Gemma is pictured above with Hilde and Surrey Life editor Caroline Harrap. Well done to the team and to everyone who made it a night to remember.
Not much else to report i'm afraid - business is very thin on the ground at the moment as it is for everyone - will this be the summer of discontent? .........lets hope not eh!
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