Friday 13 February 2009


I guess it has been a few days since I last blogged - that is largely due to pressure of work, editing, meeting mag deadlines and the like.
I went, along with 45 or so Chamber of Commerce members to the new Unilever building on Tuesday, who kindly hosted a breakfast for us - what an amazing place and a great environment to work in - they have a gym, bar and a really modern attitude to working - very refreshing!
I did photograph the beatles the other day - or at least 4 people that were dressed up like them as they were on the cover of the Seargent Pepper album - all in aid of the Children's Trust in Tadworth - they were the promo shots for their Marathon Attempt which was being undertaken by representitives from Allied Dunbar, Lloyd Scott, who was the guy in the deep sea divers outfit at last years marathon and GMTV presenter, Priya Kaur Jones. It was a very fun and colourful shoot - and the submarine they will be carrying was fantastic - heavy but very well created!
I suppose I had better get back down to the grindstone. Mohammed was not able to go to the singapore mountain (or Hill) but the mountain is coming back to me tomorrow so I am a happy camper - that is the great thing about Blogs - you can put a load of stuff in that some people will understand because they know the score and others will be totally baffled by! back to work, lots to do........

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