It was the annual pilgrimage to Birmingham for the Focus trade show sans the night out and stop over. After a lot of badly organised faffing about, five photographers crammed into Andy Gordon's vauxhaull thingy and headed north. Bit of a quick zip about this year although I did not see much that was new and it seemed quieter than previous years - Was good to see a few familair faces though, Hayley & Will, Simon Winson, the crowd from phototopix, Kevin Wilson, the legendary John Henshall and my good friend Tony Eatough who never seems to age - he dresses like an art student and listens to stuff like Kings of Leon (who are my top music tip for the week - fantastic latest album by the way) I did manage to pick up a couple of little essentials but was tempted away from the big things - much as I fancied the newish D700 - maybe next year! The drive home was quite sober really - in more ways than one - we all felt that we should have stayed and hit broad street for a testosterone filled night of beer and tapas!
Got a great full page feature on the Chamber of Commerce in this weeks Surrey Ad - out tomorrow, its in the business section and is a really positive piece about leatherhead, great in the current climate. OK, back to work on more dna profiles, ttfn. Oh and happy birthday to my Nan and Cousin Andi. xx
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